
Lecturers Adam Fure and Ellie Abrons named winners of ARCHIVE Beauty Pageant

Lecturers Adam Fure and Ellie Abrons named winners of ARCHIVE Beauty Pageant 

“Synthetic Gardens,” created by architecture Lecturers Adam Fure and Ellie Abrons, along with Daniel Norell, senior lecturer at Chalmers University of Technology, was one of five winning teams of Archive Beauty Pageant Competition. Fure’s own project “Thick-it” was also a winner of the competition. Located on a steep slope in the Hollywood Hills, “Synthetic Gardens” reconsiders the potential of the greenhouse as public space. Fure’s project “Thick-it” expands the role of computation in sustainable material practice by mixing high-tech digital protocols with low-tech material realities.

The Beauty Pageant competition is interested in both projects that help the public appreciate the profession and the ways in which a designer communicates. The jury consisted of three viewpoints on beauty: one well versed in current discourse and architectural practice; one with discourse background but with an outside view from the manufacturing industry; and one completely outside of architecture, with a background in identity, communication, and graphic design.

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