
Allen Quoted in Detroit Free Press Article About Hudson’s Site

Allen Quoted in Detroit Free Press Article About Hudson’s Site

Peter Allen, lecturer in urban and regional planning and faculty member at Ross School of Business, was recently quoted in the Detroit Free Press article On Hudson’s site, will Gilbert’s tower signal next recession or start of a building boom? The article discusses businessman Dan Gilbert’s proposed tower in downtown Detroit, which would be a 1.3 million square-foot building, along with the possibility that the tower “may have to ride out the so-called ‘skyscraper curse.’ That is the theory that construction of tallest buildings is a signal of an overheating economy that is nearing its peak, with a downturn fast approaching.” Regarding this theory, “Allen cautioned against relying too much on historical trends to forecast the future”. He said, “Who would have predicted five years ago that Detroit would now be so robust and recovering? So looking back and looking at what history would suggest — and I’m a history major by the way — is not a definite indication of what will happen this time.”

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