Master of Architecture


/ Recent Taubman Graduate

Cristina Bara

“Everyone was welcomingand it was very easy to make a group of friends.”

Shelby Township MI, USA

Degree Program(s)

Expected Graduation Date
May, 2024

Academic Areas of Interest
Architecture history

Hobbies or interests outside of academia
Reading, dancing, and cooking

Why did you choose Taubman College as the right program for you?
I was mostly interested in the variety of specialties professors practiced, such as fabrication, digital work, sustainability, theory, etc. I took a professor with a different specialty each semester, and it has made my last two years enjoyable.

What is special or excites you about the Taubman community?
The other grad students. Everyone was welcomingand it was very easy to make a group of friends. I am glad that there is not a very competitive environment among peers, making the studio culture comprehensible.

If applicable, tell us about studio culture – what is inspiring or innovative or unique?
My favorite part is seeing everyone else’s work pinned up. I’ve gained inspiration and motivation from some projects I see on the walls.

Describe your experience with faculty and professional staff during your time at Taubman?
I came from an undergraduate degree program where some professors were known to be very “harsh,” in which I took them to push myself to be the best. Though I did not mind the toughness of those professors, I respect Taubman’s rules to keep every critique helpful and not to put down a student’s work and only to encourage it.

How has Taubman’s career and professional development support prepared you for a successful career in your chosen field?
I gained an internship from the career fair and will now graduate with a full-time job at that same firm!

What benefits have you experienced being part of the University of Michigan?
I enjoy the seminar electives, especially the arch history course because I love history and enjoy learning how history has impacted architecture and vice versa.

What do you like most about being part of the Ann Arbor community?
I absolutely love Ann Arbor. It’s a beautiful place to walk around in the summer, go to the farmers markets, or chill at a coffee shop. The fall time is nostalgic with football season, and yet feeling a part of a school that has such a big student population.

What advice would you give prospective students as they consider Taubman College?
Definitely consider what studio culture you aim for. If you need a super intense studio to have you produce your best work, you may have limited options here. However, I always say that the amount of work you put in is up to you and how you want to go about your grad school program. It is what you make of it.

What are your plans after graduation?
I will be working as an architectural designer at ROSSETTI in Detroit

Additional advice or thoughts you’d like to share with prospective students?
Consider the school as a whole. I never went to a big sports school, so the games were some of my best memories. Central campus is such a cool place to hangout and work on homework. It is possible to have a job during school, i.e. I work at the Umich Housing Office.