ARCH 509, Section 17

Public Design Corps: Engage!
Fall 2022
Instructors: María Arquero de Alarcón
Term: Fall 2022
Section: 17
Class Number: 509
Credits: 3
Required: No
Elective: Yes
Meets: Wed 5:30-8:30pm 2213A&AB
Course Brief:

Public Design Corps is a Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning initiative that
engages in partnerships with regional organizations to broaden design’s positive social impact
and advance design equity, inclusion, and justice. This pedagogic framework approaches
experiential learning as a process based on meaningful engagement with partners, active field
immersion, and reflective practice. Translating these goals to the context of a transdisciplinary
educational opportunity means that students and partners engage in joint fact-finding to
unpack complex problems, to co-produce agendas and deliverables, and to co-create plans
that will enhance the existing capacity of client-partners to effect positive change in their