URP 583

Race, Difference, and Social Justice
Fall 2021
Term: Fall 2021
Class Number: 583
Credits: 3
Required: No
Elective: Yes
Meets: Tue, Thu 1:00-2:30pm  1360 A&AB
Course Brief:

This course will explore how the issues of equity and justice are shaped by race, gender and other social classification. More importantly, the course will provide students with a way to understand how planning and social policy can be leveraged to mitigate racial, ethnic and gender, disparities in wealth and income, labor market participation, entrepreneurialism, is quality housing and other issues. The course will also explore the literature on justice, equity, critical race theory, feminist thought and other relevant readings as they relate to planning and urban theory literatures. The final project the course will be case studies of successful planning that used social justice as a metric for successful planning.