URP 610, Section 3

Radical Planning 1
Winter 2024
Instructors: Larissa Larsen
Term: Winter 2024
Section: 3
Class Number: 35553
Credits: 1
Required: No
Elective: Yes
Meets: Mon  11:30am-1:00pm  2104 A&AB

Radical Planning is in its second year. This is a one credit class. Radical Planning grew out of an effort spearheaded by students to change the status quo and challenge how conventional planning processes occur. This class focuses on practitioners and practitioner skill-building. After listening to feedback from last year’s 62 participants, we are reducing the number of speakers to 6 and adding a discussion section based on a reading identified by each speaker. The sessions will alternate between speakers and discussions. This year, the topics will focus on indigenous planning/land back, community and environmental justice, and radical technology (!). Grades will include attendance and 5 short written responses. Speaker sessions will be recorded and be available on Canvas. Please see the link to our summary booklet from last year.


Final Course Booklet (PDF)