News, Apr 7, 2011
In its Third-Year, Architecture Faculty Awarded Taubman College Research Through Making Grants

The 2011 Research Through Making Faculty research grant recipients were announced by Dean Monica Ponce de Leon and awarded to Taubman College architecture faculty on April 1, 2011. Five grants of $20,000 each were competitively awarded for the production of a research or creative project that is predicated on MAKING.

Funds can be used for project materials, student assistance, and other expenses. Entries to this competition were anonymously evaluated by a distinguished jury from outside the College. Projects will be completed by January 2012. The work will be exhibited in the College Gallery.

Jurors included Melissa DeVos, B.S. ’04, Grand Rapids, Mich. ArtPrize co-founder; Raymund Ryan, Pittsburgh’s Heinz Architectural Center at the Carnegie Museum of Art; and Anne Rieselbach and Gregory Wessner Architectural League of New York Program Director and Architectural League of New York Exhibition Director, respectively. The jury commented on the quality of the work displayed in the portfolios and research proposals.

Grants were awarded to the following projects and faculty members:

  • Glass Cast, Lecturers Catie Newell and Wes McGee
  • Ruralopolitan Maneuvers, Professor Mary Ann Ray
  • Dirty Work, Lecturer Neil Robinson
  • Morphfaux… recovering plaster as architectural substrate, Assistant Professor Steven Mankouche and Lecturers Josh Bard, Matthew Schulte
  • Resonant Chamber, Associate Professor Geoff Thün and Lecturer Wes McGee

Two of the 2009 funded research projects received industry recognition:

The program, initiated by Dean Ponce de Leon in 2009 and sponsored by Taubman College to promote making, is in its third-year of operation. The 2009 and 2010 Research Through Making grant recipients and information about their projects can be found here:

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