News, May 31, 2012
Assistant Professor Unverzagt featured in Atlantic Cities interview and Detroit Rising video

Assistant Professor Unverzagt featured in Atlantic Cities interview and Detroit Rising video

Assistant Professor of Practice Christian Unverzagt was interviewed about his work at M1/DTW, a multidiscipinary studio he co-founded, in The Atlantic Cities Portfolio of the Week, published May 23, 2012. In the interview, Unverzagt discusses why he sees Detroit as a great place to get things made, what it’s like to design books about architecture, and his many roles as a designer.

Unverzagt was also featured in The Atlantic Cities‘ Detroit Rising video series. The third installment, which went live on May 29, 2012, focuses on Detroit’s growth and potential. Cities readers sent in their questions and ideas on the current state of Detroit and where it’s heading. Atlantic Senior Editor Richard Florida responds to these questions through the Detroit Rising videos where he leads a conversation on the future of the Motor City. In the video, Unverzagt and Flordia spoke about the opening of a Twitter office in Downtown Detroit as well as Signal-Return Press, a letterpress studio in Detroit’s Eastern Market, both reflecting the transformation occurring in Detroit.

The Atlantic Cities explores the most innovative ideas and pressing issues facing today’s global cities and neighborhoods. By bringing together news, analysis, data, and trends, the site is an engaging destination for an increasingly urbanized world.

To read the interview, click here.

To watch the Detroit Rising video: click here.

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