News, Sep 18, 2012
MODCaR directors and Taubman College faculty Anya Sirota and Mireille Roddier present Imaging Detroit – September 21-22

MODCaR directors and Taubman College faculty Anya Sirota and Mireille Roddier present Imaging Detroit – September 21-22

The Metropolitan Observatory for Digital Cultural and Representation – MODCar – is a research organization interested in the representation of urban conditions and analyzing the role of visual media in its effects on cities’ form, identity and culture. Their charge is to explore the complex relationship between experience, the constructed image, meaning and the public. MODCaR is sponsored by the University of Michigan’s Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning’s Research on the City initiative, and directed by faculty members Anya Sirota and Mireille Roddier.

Imaging Detroit is equal parts international film festival and pop-up agora and is an open assessment and contemporary anthology of Detroit’s national and international image. Both curated and untamed, it features a broad spectrum of film and print media casting Detroit as an urban protagonist. In and on Detroit, screenings and exhibitions are combined with conversations between urban analysts, filmmakers, Detroiters, economists, policy makers, activists, and other expert DJ’s (Discourse Jockeys).

Imaging Detroit aims to spark a conversation about the many ways Detroit has been portrayed over the last decade. It stages public debate and open speculation on how the power of image making may be projected toward the production of a new urban imaginary. In assembling a varied collection of works and guests, Imaging Detroit reveals the possibility of an ephemeral urbanization. The pop-up agora offers the city a 36-hour assembly and debate, turning Perrien Park into a vibrant civic space, complete with screenings, conversations, exhibit, food and leisure.

Imaging Detroit will open at 6pm – 10 pm September 21st and will continue from 10 am to 10 pm on Sunday, September 22nd, at Perrien Park (entry on corner of East Warren Avenue and Chene Street) in the Near East Side neighborhood of Detroit, Michigan. For more information on screenings and other events visit us at and @modcar_events on Twitter.

Additional information:

Read an article about the Detroit Design Festival on Huffington Post

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