News, Nov 6, 2013
Clark Thenhaus Invited to Contribute to the On The Road Project LA Series

Clark Thenhaus Invited to Contribute to the On The Road Project LA Series

Clark Thenhaus, Taubman College 2013 Oberdick Fellow, was recently asked to participate in On the Road 3, the most recent iteration of the annual On the Road Project LA series of architectural, art, and design programs. Thenhaus will be one of only seven contributors to the program, all of whom are called to use the medium of drawing to comment on a chosen house West of downtown Los Angeles. The work will be presented in an exceptionally unique way: as “a standard 4″x6″ postcard reproduced 150 times and placed inside the house’s mailbox on the morning of November 17.”

This version of On the Road seeks to revive the letterbox in the digital world, reclaiming its throne as the facilitator of communications. Therefore, by the time the event culminates at day’s end with a frank discussion about contemporary modes of communication, the public will have already moved from home to home, “pulling postcards from the various mailboxes and curating their own collection.” This level of engagement is to be expected of the program, which prides itself in encouraging experimentation in the investigative process of architecture.

On the Road 3 begins November 17, 2013, west of La Brea Avenue, in Los Angeles. Visit the On the Road 3 website for more information.

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