News, Apr 7, 2014
Marans to become AICP Fellow

Marans to be inducted into the American Institute of Certified Planners College of Fellows

Robert W. Marans (B.Arch.’57,Ph.D.’71), Emeritus Professor of Architecture and Urban Planning, will be inducted into the AICP College of Fellows on April 27 at the 2014 National Planning Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.

During the past 40 years, Dr. Marans has conducted evaluative studies and research dealing with various aspects of communities, neighborhoods, housing, offices, and parks and recreational facilities. His research has focused on user requirements and the manner in which attributes of the physical and sociocultural environments influence individual and group behavior and the quality of community life. His current research focuses on sustainability and energy conservation in institutional settings and buildings.

Fellowship is one of the highest honors that the American Institute of Certified Planners bestows upon a member. AICP Fellowship is granted to planners who have achieved excellence in professional practice, teaching and mentoring, research, public and community service, and leadership. Congratulations, Dr. Marans!


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