News, Oct 14, 2016
Adams Chairs U-M Initiative on Disability Studies

Adams Chairs U-M Initiative on Disability Studies

Associate Professor Robert Adams has been named the 2016/17 chair of the University of Michigan Initiative on Disability Studies (UMinDS). UMInDS is an academic flagship program within the College of LS&A that seeks to advance knowledge about, by, and for people with disabilities and to promote their full and equal participation in academia and society. Disability is not only a set of physical or mental differences but the product of interactions between physical, cultural, and political environments shaping the perception and experience of different capacities. UMInDS has evolved through an important mix of events, people, and action at the University of Michigan, all devoted to the advancement of the body of knowledge about disability experience, full and accessible participation, civil rights and academic achievement for people interested in the disability experience. In the Spring semester, UMInDS supports a conference event to offer innovative disability studies programming to the wider university community, to the local Ann Arbor community, and to the national conversation.

Read more about UMinDS here: tps://

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