The Annual Student Show is an exhibition held in the spring that features faculty-selected projects representing the best work from the fall semester. Taubman College is fortunate to have the support and partnership of both the local professional community as well as engagement of alumni from across the country. Each year representatives of these groups generously spend time reviewing work exhibited in the annual student show and recognize the best work with awards. This year’s student show was held April 2-April 6, 2018 and was organized by associate professor of architecture Matias del Campo.
Awards were given as follows:
AIA National/AIA Huron Valley Awards are presented to students in the form of scholarships whose projects “embody the exciting promise of realization while addressing real world challenges.”
- Undergraduate / Arch312 (ug1) / First Place – Amanda Kalbuadi
- Graduate / Arch552: Institutions (2g1/3g4) / First Place Tie – Kyle Reich
- Graduate / Arch552: Institutions (2g1/3g4) / First Place Tie – Lucas Denit
- Graduate / Arch 412: Form / second place – Timothy Do
- Monique Bassey, Landscape Designer, Smithgroup JJR
- John Francey, B.S.’81, M.Arch.’83, Director of Facilities, Design & Space Management, Consumers Energy
- Bill Lindhout, B.Arch.’50, Founder, Lindhout Associates Architects
- Josh Hendershot, B.S.’10, M.Arch.’12, Architect, Lindhout Associates Architects
The alumni board is a diverse group of professionals from different geographies, widely varied types of practices and sizes of firms, and represent a spectrum of gender, age, and ethnic diversity. The Alumni Board Awards come with cash prizes.
Alumni Board of Governors Awards:
- Graduate / Arch672: Systems (2g3/3g6) / First Place – Jugal Ahuja, Ziyang Lin, Shufan Zhang
- Graduate / Arch 672: Systems (2g3/3g6) / Second Place – Jihye Julie Choe
- Graduate / Arch 672: Systems (2g3/3g6) / Honorable Mention – Elliot Evans, Sung Su Kim, Juan Restrepo
- Graduate / Arch 672: Systems (2g3/3g6) / Honorable Mention – Deepa Bharadwaj, Elizabeth Joe, Nikita Rane
- Graduate / Arch 672: Systems (2g3/3g6) / Honorable Mention – Aditi Choudhary, Abhishek Desai, Tyler Schaafsma, Sara Timberlake
- Post-professional / Master of Science / First Place – Michael Amidon, Kelsey Ryan
- Undergraduate / Arch432 (ug3) / First Place – Ellis Wills-Begley
- Undergraduate / Arch432 (ug3) / Second Place – Ethan Davis
- Jesse Adkins, III, M.Arch.’94, Principal, Shear Adkins Rockmore Architects
- Mark Bulmash, B.S.’82, SVP of Development, Howard Hughes
- Jill H. Gotthelf, AIA FAPT, B.S.’83, Principal, Walter Sedovic Architects
- John Rahaim, B.S.’78, M.Arch.’82, Planning Director, City and County of San Francisco
- Branka Sindik-Olson, M.Arch.’81, Principal, Sindik-Olson Associates
- Heather Taylor, AIA, LEED AP, B.S.’90, Campus Planner/Architect, Phillips Exeter Academy
- Ilene Tyler, FAIA, FAPT, LEED AP, B.Arch.’70, Historic Preservation Consultant, Ilene R. Tyler, LLC
- Tom Whitmore, B.S.’89, Project Executive and Director of Historic Preservation, Christman Company Construction Services
- Martin Woodrow, B.S.’89, M.Arch.’91, Executive Managing Director of Global Occupier Services, Cushman and Wakefield
One of the largest and most prestigious awards at the College is the Leonard B. Willeke Design Prize which recognizes design excellence and innovation through an annual portfolio competition. The competition comes with cash prizes.
Leonard B. Willeke Portfolio Competition:
- Undergraduate / First Place Tie – Janet Yichen Dong
- Undergraduate / First Place Tie – Ellis Wills-Begley
- Undergraduate / Second Place – Hailey Craft
- Jill Gotthelf AIA, FAPT, B.S.’83, Principal, Walter Sedovic Architects, Irvington, NY
- Heather Taylor, AIA, LEED AP, B.S.’90, Campus Planner/Architect, Phillips Exeter Academy
- Jen Maigret / Associate Professor of Architecture, Taubman College
View the entire presentation (PDF).