Published: 2014

/ Student Work

Stormwater Solutions: Revising Toledo’s Stormwater Credit Program


The city of Toledo faces significant stormwater challenges. Recently, the City initiated several proactive measures to combat the increasing stormwater concerns, including: expanding its wastewater treatment capacity, decoupling portions of the sewer and stormwater system, and building holding tanks to reduce the frequency of these undesirable overflow events. This report summarizes the condition of the existing stormwater credit program in Toledo and identifies innovative municipal stormwater management practices active in cities throughout the United States. It also summarizes proposed revisions to the credit manual and future recommendations for more effective stormwater management.


Yohan Chang, Ashlee Grace, Diego Horna Munoz, Katie Knapp, Megan McPhilimy, Christian Roadman, Katy Ryan, Katie Wholey


Eric Dueweke, Larissa Larsen


  • Community Partner: University of Michigan’s Graham Sustainability Institute and its Great Lakes Adaptation Assessment for Cities (GLAA-C) program
  • Location: Toledo
  • Pages: 135
  • Year: 2013
  • Topic: Housing + Community Development, Land Use and Environmental Planning

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