Lauren Jenkins headshot

Master of Architecture


/ Architecture Student

Lauren Jenkins

Programs such as the Design Public Corps initiative, the FABLab, the inclusive studio atmosphere, and the wide variety of seminars offered appealed to my desire to further my education.

Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Degree Program(s)
M.Arch 3G

Expected Graduation Date

Academic Areas of Interest
Sustainable Architecture, Urban Design, and Healthy City Development

Hobbies or interests outside of academia
Competitive Running, Traveling, Making Kombucha

Why did you choose Taubman College as the right program for you?
Taubman College offered opportunities aligned with my personal goals and allowed me to branch outside my comfort zone through various available resources. Programs such as the Design Public Corps initiative, the FABLab, the inclusive studio atmosphere, and the wide variety of seminars offered appealed to my desire to further my education.

What is special or excites you about the Taubman community?
The Taubman community is ever-growing through diverse programs students can connect with at Taubman and outreach programs extending into real-world projects and/or communities. The network of relationships Taubman has creates new and inspired thinking that will assist you through your courses and post-graduation.

If applicable, tell us about studio culture – what is inspiring or innovative or unique?
The student diversity in Taubman’s studios develops great design thinking outside your personal knowledge. The student body inside each studio wants to succeed alongside you, which makes for great learning opportunities and the achievement of great work. Ideas are ever-flowing, and the faculty is prepared to assist your ideas based on the studio prompts. Studios are known for an immense amount of work, but the culture here lends a helping hand.

Describe your experience with faculty and professional staff during your time at Taubman?
The faculty here at Taubman know how to progress you toward your potential, and they look forward to watching you succeed in courses. I’ve had great experiences with my studio professors, who took the time to engage with my design ideas and gave excellent feedback and resources that aligned with the project direction. The opportunity to have faculty who are willing to go above and beyond is something that I do not take for granted.

How has Taubman’s career and professional development support prepared you for a successful career in your chosen field?
There are many opportunities to help you engage post-graduation with the assistance of the wonderful staff who keep students thinking about their career and professional development. Each semester there are career fairs to help you with internships and positions post-graduation. There is also a program during the midpoint of winter semester for the chance to job shadow or intern for a week as a student group or branch out into your firm of choice. You also have the excellent opportunity to meet with staff and talk about your future career goals or the best plan moving forward.

What benefits have you experienced being part of the University of Michigan?
The most significant benefit I have experienced as a student of the University is the ability to apply my knowledge to real-world opportunities, such as studying abroad or internships nationwide and beyond. There’s also a vast amount of exploration with your connections to the University of Michigan through clubs that extend beyond the walls of Taubman, whether you’re into sports, eco-friendly systems, art, or other.

What do you like most about being part of the Ann Arbor community?
I greatly appreciate the diverse community and events hosted by the people of Ann Arbor, such as the farmers market on the weekends, live music, and art festivals. The community knows how to bring people together in the city. I also value the community’s activity in a city with plentiful bike paths and many parks and trails.

What advice would you give prospective students as they consider Taubman College?
Engage with current students or alumni, if possible, to better understand their experiences. Also, lean into what will help you succeed in your education or what you plan to do after graduation if you know.

What are your plans after graduation?
I am incredibly interested in working with community and neighborhood design through a lens of healthy cities and assisting underprivileged areas. I also look forward to becoming a licensed architect.

Additional advice or thoughts you’d like to share with prospective students?
Your education and opportunities here at Taubman are catered to your preferences through seminar classes, studio choices, clubs within Taubman, and even study abroad experience choices. You also might find yourself headed in a different, but even more exciting, direction than you did once entering Taubman as a first-year student.