News, May 26, 2010
Professor Martin Murray’s Hosts Book Discussion on Landscape of Johannesburg at American Sociological Association

The American Sociological Association has selected Taubman College Professor of Urban Planning and Sociology Martin Murray’s book, Taming the Disorderly City: The Spatial Landscape of Johannesburg after Apartheid, to have an “Author Meets Critics” session at the organization’s annual meeting August 14-17, 2010 in Atlanta. Murray’s session will take place from 2:30 to 4:10 p.m. August 16. The conference’s theme is Toward a Sociology of Citizenship: Inclusion, Participation, and Rights.

Published in 2008 by Cornell University Press, Taming the Disorderly City focuses on the racial and economic tensions in the struggles over the “right to the city” in post-apartheid Johannesburg. Murray brings together theory and knowledge to examine a situation where private developers have gained control over planning decisions, municipal authorities have been reduced to a largely advisory role, and the urban poor are left to fend for themselves.

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