News, Jul 3, 2012
M.S. Digital Technologies and Material Systems student Aaron Willette presents lecture at Wentworth College

M.S. Digital Technologies and Material Systems student Aaron Willette presents lecture at Wentworth College 

Master of Science in Architecture Digital Technologies student Aaron Willette will present a lecture, “Research & Making: Explorations in the Tacit Dimension,” at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston on July 2, 2012. Willette will be discussing his research and recent collaborations with Taubman faculty members Adam Fure, Wes McGee and Catie Newell as a means to explore the academic value of making. Willette’s work aims to expand the capabilities of digital fabrication through an investigation into the embedded cultural contingencies of craft methodologies.

For information on Wentworth’s summer lecture series: click here.
For more on Willette’s work: click here.

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