News, Sep 10, 2013
Alumnus Chuck Cole attains Fellowship status in the American College of Healthcare Architects

Alumnus Chuck Cole attains Fellowship status in the American College of Healthcare Architects

The American College of Healthcare Architects (ACHA) has announced that Chuck Cole (B.S.’73, M.Arch.’75), AIA, FACHA, has attained Fellowship status. Fellowship is the highest honor bestowed on a certificate holder by the ACHA and is granted to ACHA Board certified architects specializing in healthcare who have shown distinction in fulfilling an area of expertise as determined by the College’s Council of Fellows.

Chuck Cole joins the ranks of distinguished fellows, and is one of the over 400 colleagues in the United States and Canada who are certified healthcare architects. ACHA requires its certificate holders to work towards the improvement of healthcare architecture on behalf of the public, to practice in an ethical manner to maintain the highest standards in the specialized field of healthcare architecture.

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