Etienne co-edits ‘Planning Atlanta’
Harley Etienne, Assistant Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, has co-edited a book with Barbara Faga titled, Planning Atlanta. In the book, Etienne and Faga bring together nearly three dozen planning academics and practitioners to describe how the City of Atlanta and its larger region grew from a small rail depot in the 19th century to economic and cultural capital of the “New South,” Olympic host city, home of the world’s busiest airport and true international city.
Divided into five sections representing eras in Atlanta’s planning history and development, the book traces the history of several signature developments including: the city’s highway system; rapid transit system; the revival of its downtown and streetcar system; Atlantic Station, in-town greenway; the light-rail known as the Atlanta Beltline, and Centennial Park.
The book also engages some of the challenges of Atlanta’s rapid growth including the displacement of low-income communities for stadium development, transit access, planning adequate water supply for a fast-growing region, impacts of the foreclosure crisis, historic preservation, regional economic development planning and more.
Planning Atlanta is published by the American Planning Association (APA) and continues the APA Planners Press series on how planning shapes major American cities. Grant funding for the book was also provided by Taubman College and the University of Michigan’s Office of Research. For more information on the book, visit the American Planning Association website.