Seymour Awarded ISR Fellowship for 2015-2016
Eric Seymour, a Ph.D candidate in the Urban and Regional Planning program, has been awarded the Institute for Social Research’s Robert Kahn Fellowship for the Scientific Study of Social Issues. The Fellowship provides dissertation support for one doctoral candidate each year within the University of Michigan community, and is awarded to the candidate whose research gives most promise of dealing innovatively with some major social problem. Seymour will be using his award to focus on his dissertation research titled “Federal Financial Institutions, Foreclosure, and the Fortunes of Detroit’s Middle- and Working-Class Neighborhoods.”
The Kahn Fellowship was established by the students, colleagues, family and friends of Robert Kahn to honor his lifelong commitment to using the best social science to generate new insights on major social problems and point toward their solutions. The Fellowship is the largest and most prestigious award that the ISR offers, and covers two semesters of tuition, Grad Care and an additional $25,000 stipend. Visit the Institute for Social Research website for more information on the Kahn Fellowship.