News, Aug 13, 2015
Sean Alquist talks about “Social Sensory Surfaces” for Autism Therapy on Detroit NPR

Sean Alquist talks about “Social Sensory Surfaces” for Autism Therapy on Detroit NPR

Assistant Professor Sean Alquist was recently featured on Detroit’s NPR Station (WEDT) to talk about his research “Social Sensory Surfaces” in collaboration with Dr. David Chesney from the School of Engineering and Sile O’Modhrain from the School of Music, Theatre and Dance. The research is intended to improve tactile sensitivity in people with autism and help encourage collaborative play. Alquist stated on the interview that, “The idea with Social Sensory Surfaces is to try and reimagine an interface that can foster social interaction and can support the magnitude of sensory experience that is necessary to engage a child with autism.”

To listen to the full interview go to: NPR

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