News, Aug 5, 2016
Sirota speaking at City/Cité Conference in Paris


Assistant Professor of Architecture Anya Sirota will be speaking at City/Cité conference, “Neighborhoods: A Transatlantic Exchange,” in Paris, France, on December 1 – 3, 2016. She will participate in the session on the third and final day called “Planning Neighborhoods: Space, Design, and Urban Democracy.” This session will bring together urban planners, designers, architects, and scholars from both sides of the Atlantic to explore the critical issues facing urbanists today.

The list of additional participants in the session includes; Marie-Hélène Bacqué (Paris X – Nanterre), José-Manuel Gonçalvès (Centquatre), Richard Sennett (New York University), Saskia Sassen (Columbia University),  Christophe Hutin (Arc en rêve centre;architecture), Maurice Cox (City of Detroit, Planning and Development), Monica Chadha (IIT, CivicProjects) and Olga Stella (Detroit Creative Corridor Center).

The conference is the second in a series of exchanges organized within the framework of the program City/Cité: A Transatlantic Exchange, launched in Chicago in 2015. The goal of the exchanges is to facilitate fresh and dynamic debates on the current state of urban democracy by bringing together researchers, artists, journalists, policymakers, activists, and a range of grassroots voices from the United States and France.

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