News, Oct 12, 2016
McEwen’s “House Opera” Featured in Hour Magazine

McEwen’s “House Opera” Featured in Hour Magazine

Assistant Professor V. Mitch McEwen’s public arts space, “House Opera,” was featured in “Art House: How one architect is attempting to reimagine Detroit’s blight,” an article by Leyland Devito for the October issue of Hour Detroit magazine. The article discusses McEwen’s transformation of a house bought from foreclosure into an alternative performance space for its southwest Detroit neighborhood. Located near Clark Park, the house is slowly being repurposed to host audience-participation art events; last summer House Opera was the site of Sigi Fest, a two-day celebration of science, art, and music. McEwen’s project is an exploration into the meaning and implications of the concept of blight, as well as part of her research into Detroit’s large stock of balloon-frame houses.

Read the article here:

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