ARCH 509, Section 17

Radical Vernacular
Winter 2023
Instructors: Mireille Roddier
Term: Winter 2023
Section: 17
Class Number: 509
Credits: 3
Required: No
Elective: Yes
Meets: Mon 8:30-11:30am  2213 A&AB
Course Brief:

This seminar is located at the intersection of architecture, gender studies, material culture,heritage preservation,  linguistics, and sustainability. Each of these disciplines appropriates the notion of vernacular in divergent ways — as a retrogressive style, as domestic labor, as resistance to mass-production, as environmentally-aware acts of dwelling, as culture-specific markers of belonging, as indigenous know-how, etc. Through readings, discussions, creative projects and self-defined research, we will sift through many of the contradictory narratives and theoretical paradoxes raised by the study of forms (linguistic, architectural, narrative, economic) that resist mass-reproduction within a globalized world.