ARCH 533, Section 1

Possible Worlds
Winter 2024
Instructors: John McMorrough
Term: Winter 2024
Section: 1
Class Number: 35702
Credits: 3
Required: No
Elective: Yes
Meets: Wed 1:00-4:00pm 2227 A&AB
Course Brief: Download

Possible Worlds describes the means and meaning of propositional world-making. Seminar participants will study selected examples (proposals from architecture and stories, films, games) in relation to scale, genre, and medium within the framework of selected readings (from architecture, literature, and philosophy). In positing the agency of design in the realm of the imaginary, this course takes outlandish proposals seriously.

This course is open to all students enrolled at the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning; there are no prerequisites, though it should be considered reading intensive (both in examples of city-making and its theorization). Participants will each make an analytical case study of an assigned “world” as a final project.

This course counts as an architecture history elective for M.Arch 3G students.