URP 572, Section 1

Comparative Housing and Property Policy
Fall 2025
Instructors: Ana Paula Pimentel Walker
Term: Fall 2025
Section: 1
Class Number: 23075
Credits: 3
Required: No
Elective: Yes
Meets: Mon, Wed 10:00-11:30am  2210 A&AB

This course offers an advanced introduction to contested topics of best practices in access to housing and affordable housing policies. The goal is to learn from best practices from the perspectives of the economically vulnerable sectors. The course starts discussing eviction diversion programs in the U.S. and globally. We assess the provision of social housing via cooperatives, community land trusts, self-management, and the renewed focus on social and public housing in East Asia and many middle-income countries in Africa and Latin America. We analyze the changing role of social housing in Europe and the European Union’s efforts to integrate newer country members. Class meetings entail in-depth discussions of classic debates in international development planning, such as the impact of tenure legalization on poverty reduction, the self-help versus public housing debate, contested practices in slum improvement programs, and the impact of pro-poor land use laws. The field of housing has historically developed discriminatory policies and plans, and it continues to promote racially segregated cities with unequal access to opportunities. Crises such as wars, violence, public health, and climate emergencies can either generate economic restructuring for greater disparities or transformational change that promotes racial, gender, and housing justice broadly. Students will learn from past and present policies to think critically about future housing programs. 

Note: This course is pre-approved as a MUD Directed Elective in the Policy, Law, and Institutions category.