News, Mar 1, 2012
Fourth round of Research Through Making Grants Awarded

Fourth round of Research Through Making Grants Awarded

The 2012 Research Through Making faculty research grants were announced by Dean Monica Ponce de Leon and awarded to Taubman College architecture faculty on February 22, 2012. Five grants of $20,000 each were competitively awarded for the production of a research or creative project that is predicated on MAKING.

Funds can be used for project materials, student assistance, and other expenses. A distinguished jury from outside the College anonymously evaluated entries to this competition. Projects will be completed in January 2013 and will be exhibited in the Liberty Research Annex gallery.

Jurors were Eva Franch i Gilabert, Director, Storefront for Art and Architecture, New York and Principal and Founder, OOAA; Michael Meredith, Principal, MOS and Assistant Professor, Princeton School of Architecture; and Joe Valerio, FAIA, B.Arch.’70, Principal, Valerio Dewalt Train Associates, Chicago.

Grants were awarded to the following projects and faculty members:

  • “Electroform(alism): Masters, Substrates and the Rules of Attraction”
    Assistant Professor Anya Sirota, Jean-Louis Farges, and Steven Christensen
  • “Making Nothing”
    Assistant Professor McLain Clutter and Lecturer Kyle Reynolds
  • “(DE)COMPOSING TERRITORY: Enclosure as a Material Negotiation between DIY Bioplastics + a Large-Scale Site in Detroit”
    Assistant Professor Meredith Miller
  • “Crease, Fold, Pour: Advancing Flexible Formwork with Digital Fabrication and Origami Folding”
    Lecturer Maciej Kaczynski, Doug Miller, Lecturer Wes McGee
  • “Platform for Architecture & Makin’ It, A Situation Comedy”
    Associate Professor and Chair of Architecture, John McMorrough, Associate Professor Julia McMorrough

The program, initiated by Dean Ponce de Leon and sponsored by Taubman College, is in its fourth year. Past grant recipients and information about their projects can be found at:

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