News, Apr 30, 2012
2012 Spring Architecture and Urban Planning Awards

2012 Spring Architecture and Urban Planning Awards 

Taubman College has a history rich in awards and recognition of academic, service and leadership excellence. The following awards were presented this spring and at graduation April 29, 2012.

Doctoral Honors and Awards

Presented by Architecture Program Chair John McMorrough.

Doctoral Student Award
Elizabeth Keslacy
This award is given in recognition of outstanding contributions to the Ph.D. Program in Architecture.

Distinguished Dissertation Award
Pirasri Povatong

Master of Urban Planning

Presented by Urban and Regional Program Chair Richard K. Norton

Academic Achievement
Kevin Beard

Service to the Community
Joel Batterman
Aaron Goodman

Service to Taubman College and the Urban & Regional Planning Program
Alex DeCamp
Isaac Gilman
Katherine Pan

American Institute of Certified Planners Award
Catherine Guido

Master of Science in Architecture

Master of Science Student Award
Keith Peiffer, M.S., Design Research concentration
This award is given in recognition of outstanding contributions to the Master of Science degree programs.

Master of Architecture

Presented by Architecture Program Chair John McMorrough, co-presented by Director of the Master of Architecture Degree Craig Borum

AIA Henry Adams Medal & Certificate
Branden Clements – Medal
Keenan Hurlin May – AIA Henry Adams Certificate

In each recognized school of architecture in the United States, the American Institute of Architects annually awards an engraved medal to the M.Arch. degree candidate with the highest scholastic standing. A certificate is awarded to the degree candidate with the second highest standing. The faculty determines the awards.

Marian Sarah Parker Memorial Award
Meghan Archer

Sarah Drake Parker initiated this endowment, shared with the College of Engineering, in memory of her daughter, Marian Sarah Parker, C.E. 1895, the first woman to graduate with an engineering degree from the University of Michigan. As a member of Purdy & Henderson, Parker became a specialist in the design of the steel-framed skyscraper and helped to design such revolutionary buildings as New York’s Flat Iron Building and the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. The award is made annually to the outstanding woman senior in engineering and to the outstanding woman M.Arch. degree candidate.

Alpha Rho Chi Medal
Lauren Bebry

Alpha Rho Chi, a national professional fraternity for students of architecture and the allied arts, awards its medal annually, in April, upon recommendations of the architecture faculty in each school of architecture. The purpose is to recognize the M.Arch. degree candidate who has shown leadership and given service to the school and whose personality and attitude give promise of real professional worth.

Thesis Project Honors
Razieh Ghorbani; Se Hee Kim; Heidi Swift; Spencer Kroll; Tarlton Long; Julie Janiski; Din Botsford; Ben Hagenhofer-Daniell; Pik Ling Chong; Courtney Chin

Burton L. Kampner Memorial Award
Se Hee Kim

Established in 1967 by contributions from alumni and friends of Burton L. Kampner, B.Arch.’53, this memorial award is presented annually to will be made annually to one student in the Thesis Program, based on the academic year. The selection is made by a jury consisting of architecture faculty appointed by the chair of the architecture program.

Architecture Undergraduate

Presented by Architecture Program Chair John McMorrough, co-presented by Director of the Undergraduate Architecture Program Melissa Harris.

Raoul Wallenberg Competition Awards
All seniors at Taubman College participate in the Wallenberg Studios, named for 20th century hero Raoul Wallenberg, a 1935 graduate of our college. The studio culminates in a review by outside critics who select the best work. Student winners are awarded generous scholarships to support international travel.

Wallenberg Award winners presented to undergraduate
For more about the Wallenberg Studios and Awards

Honor Awards:
Patrick Brinnehl, [Active] Graphic
Whitney Hansley, 1:1 Vertical Equality

Andrew Frame, Open Secrets
Sheena Shah, SPA: Spaces of Perceptual Ambiguity

Saarinen-Swanson Essay Contest

Presented by Associate Dean Milton S.F. Curry

Established in 1994, the Saarinen Swanson Essay Competition writing fund at the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning encourages strong writing as a medium to foster critical thinking and exposition among future professionals in architecture and planning. The competition seeks 1000-1500 word essays addressing contemporary critical discourse in Design and/or Urbanism. Essays were judged anonymously.


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