News, Jul 20, 2012
Faculty Members Thün and Velikov Publish Recent Design Research in Volume #32: Centers Adrift

Faculty Members Thün and Velikov Publish Recent Design Research in Volume #32: Centers Adrift

Associate Professor Geoffrey Thün and Assistant Professor Kathy Velikov publish design research from their practice RVTR in Volume #32: Centers Adrift. Their article entitled “Re-Centering Periphery: Regional Geographies and Infrastructural Architectures” posits that what has traditionally been defined within urban discourse as ‘the periphery’ has in fact become the dominant urban formation of North America’s emerging megaregions. Contingent and ad-hoc forces of mobile capital, market economies, services, logistics, information, infrastructures, energy distribution networks, and aberrant ecologies shape these unstable, thinly urbanized territories. How might designers begin to apprehend the scale and complexity of relations within this field and project new formats of intervention? RVTR’s project examines situations within the Great Lakes Megaregion and proposes a series of fittings intended to retool the larger ecologies at work. The Detroit Windsor Corridor, an emblem of rust-belt shrinking cities, is recast as a strategic and pivotal point of inflection within megaregional systems.

Volume #32: Centers Adrift examines new notions of centrality, of emerging patterns and entities that influence our understanding of relationship and interdependency as a new common ground for design.

For more on Volume #32 click here.

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