Assistant Professor Rania Ghosn’s Essay “Where are the Missing Spaces?” published in Perspecta 45: Agency
Assistant Professor Rania Ghosn‘s contribution “Where are the Missing Spaces? The Geography of some Uncommon Interests” is published in the Yale Architectural Journal Perspecta. Perspecta 45 uses the concept of agency to investigate how architects can become agents for change within their own discipline and in the world at large.
Departing from the Common Interests advertising campaign of Total, the global oil and gas corporation, the essay argues that the erasure of geography is a “designed” misrepresentation that serves to externalize the costs of urban systems and conceal disagreements on how to organize the world and its resources. If the erasure of geography is an aesthetic-political project, could the reassertion of the geographic allow designer to intervene within power and it representations?
Perspecta 45 is edited by Kurt Evans (B.S.’04), Iben Falconer and Ian Mills. Other contributions include essays by Michael Osman, Ines Weizman, Alfredo Brillembourg, Ariane Lourie Harrison, Jan Kempenaers, Pierluigi Serraino, Enrique Ramirez, and Keller Easterling.
For further information, click here.