News, Jul 1, 2013
June Manning Thomas presents at Book Talk and Panel Discussion

June Manning Thomas presents at Book Talk and Panel Discussion

Centennial Professor of Urban & Regional Planning, June Manning Thomas, recently presented her book “Redevelopment and Race: Planning a Finer City in Postwar Detroit” (2nd edition). The presentation took place on June 20, during “Detroit: Racial Unity, Racial Conflict, Redevelopment – Book Talk and Panel Discussion.”

Richard W. Thomas, husband of June Manning Thomas and MSU Professor Emeritus of History, along with Joseph T. Darden, MSU Professor of Geography, presented as co-authors of the book titled, “Detroit: Race Riots, Racial Conflicts, and Efforts to Bridge the Racial Divide”. The event took place at the Detroit Center and was moderated by Dr. Angela Dillard, University of Michigan, Residential College Director.

June Manning Thomas presenting during the book talk.

From left to right: Kathy Wendler, Southwest Detroit Business Association, current MUP student Aja Bonner, and June Manning Thomas.

From right to left: Angela Dillard (Director, UM Residential College), Richard Thomas, June Manning Thomas, and Joe Darden

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