News, Sep 15, 2013
Award-winning project by Planning students mentioned in article by The Chronicle of Higher Education

Award-winning project by Planning students mentioned in article by The Chronicle of Higher Education 

Taubman College’s Master of Urban Planning program was recognized on a national level when the AICP award-winning project, “From Revenue to Reuse: Managing Tax-Reverted Properties in Detroit,” was referenced in an article written for The Chronicle of Higher Education titled, “Detroit, Bankrupt, Looks to Colleges as Partners in Recovery.”

The student project suggests a framework for effectively using existing resources, forming strategic partnerships, and lobbying for legal changes which would assist the Treasurer’s Office and improve the disposition process in ways that increase revenues, decrease costs, and increase positive reuse of property. The article referenced the project as one way Detroit is leveraging higher education as it looks for innovative ways to recover.

Nine students from Taubman College’s Master of Urban Planning program; Rob Linn, Oana Druta, John Drain, Pramoth Kitjakarnlertudom, Daniel Stern, Kate Coenen, Te-Ping Kang, Jordan Twardy, and Greg Holman completed the 142-page winning project under the guidance of faculty advisors Margaret Dewar and Eric Dueweke.

The original article currently resides on The Chronicle of High Education’s subscriber-only website. Please visit this link to read or download a PDF of the article.

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