News, Jul 25, 2016
Kulper lectures at three Australian Universities

Kulper lectures at three Australian Universities

“Strange Attractors,” a lecture by Associate Professor of Architecture Perry Kulper, was given at the University of Sydney’s School of Architecture, Design, and Planning on July 29, 2016. In the lecture, he explores the generative potential of architectural drawing, the capacities of diverse design methods, and the conceptual breadth for what is spatially and culturally possible in design. He emphasized some key points including: the ‘naming’ problem, language prompts, analogous thinking, tailored visualizations, and heterogeneous project ideas towards thickened granularities. Finally, the talk speculated on alternative resolutions in architecture, all in search of relational dynamics that tease imaginative participation and culturally durable architecture.

While in Australia, Kulper gave two additional lectures: “Relational Calculus” at the Abedian School of Architecture, Bond University on July 26; and “Constructing Possible Realties” at the University of Adelaide, School of Architecture and the Built Environment, on July 27.

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