Student Groups

Agora Planning Journal
The Agora Planning Journal is a publication of student work from the Urban and Regional Planning, Urban Design and Real Estate Certificate Programs.
Alpha Rho Chi (APX)
Alpha Rho Chi (APX) is the national co-educational fraternity for students and professionals of architecture and the allied arts. The fraternity recognizes the importance of meeting today’s challenges and tomorrow’s opportunities. The fraternity was founded with the objective “to organize and unite architecture students, the allied arts in the universities and colleges of America, and fraternity alumni, for educational and professional development purposes to promote the artistic, scientific, and practical proficiency of its membership and profession.”
American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS)
The American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) is composed of a national office and member chapters from all of the architecture colleges in the United States, including AIA Huron Valley, and one in Canada. The purpose of AIAS is to organize architecture students and combine their efforts to advance the science and art of architecture. The mission of AIAS is to promote excellence in architectural education, training, and practice, and to foster an appreciation of architecture and related disciplines among all persons.
The Architecture Lobby
The Architecture Lobby University of Michigan chapter is an organization of architecture students, faculty, and practitioners interested in labor rights in the academy and professional practice, offering a platform to generate conversation and organize around labor issues in the field of architecture.
Instagram: @arch_lobby_michigan
Architectural Representative Committee (ARC)
ARC (Architectural Representative Committee) is an independent student advisory board that supports and encourages active participation in the architecture community at the University of Michigan. The committee aims to inspire students in the architecture program to diversify, enrich, and strengthen all academic experiences by creating a recognizable channel through which they can express and act upon their academic, social, and global interests.
Instagram: @arc.taubman
Dimensions is the annual, student-produced journal of the Architecture Program that seeks to contribute to the critical discourse of architecture and architectural education by documenting the most compelling work produced by its students, faculty, fellows, and visiting lecturers.
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity at the University of Michigan is committed to building simple, decent, and affordable housing for low-income families in our community and around the world. We strive to make a difference in the lives of those looking for a hand-up, not a handout.
U-M Habitat for Humanity Habitat aims to connect students to their campus and community through construction-based service projects. They hold regular Build Days and volunteer in the community. All are welcome to participate.
Initiative for Inclusive Design
The Initiative for Inclusive Design (IID) seeks to empower students to recognize and problematize the current limitations that contemporary design discipline/practice presents and to encourage them to work and think progressively.
The student advisory board also fosters an open network of dialogue within the architecture program and expands students’ design skills through research, site visits, lectures, workshops, interdisciplinary design charrettes, and student-led projects.
Social: @initiativeforinclusivedesign
Matters of Urban Design Student Association (MUDSA)
Matters of Urban Design Student Association (MUDSA) is a student-led organization representing the Master of Urban Design student body at Taubman College. MUDSA provides a platform to engage in contemporary debates on urbanism and advance students’ disciplinary and professional interests. Through public programming, social events, and networking opportunities, we bring a focus on the agency of urban design in world-making.
Michigan Real Estate Club
The Michigan Real Estate Club is dedicated to enhancing and enriching the professional, academic, and personal experiences of its members and expanding real estate opportunities for the greater university community. They also provide a wealth of information for prospective students.
The current students in the Real Estate Family are a diverse group of business, law, public policy, urban planning, architecture, and natural resource students. This exceptionally talented group represents the progressive ideas that will combine to change the built environment that we live in. Whether you are a prospective student, current student, alumni, or corporate representative, the Michigan Real Estate Club is proud to introduce their organization and members to you.
National Organization of Minority Architecture Students (NOMAS)
The National Organization of Minority Architecture Students (NOMAS) University of Michigan, as a mission, strives to build a strong foundation from which our organization can thrive. Through service and the contribution of time and other efforts from its dedicated members, we are building a strong local chapter and individuals who eagerly seek out relationships with other chapters as well as members and mentors of NOMA, the professional organization.
NOMAS attempts to create a community environment in which students feel comfortable as valuable members of the larger University of Michigan Architecture community. NOMAS acquires strength through grappling with issues and concerns that affect our college and community. We hope to make our presence felt throughout the college, given our immense interest in improving the climate and environment of the college within which we learn and work.
NOMAS provides academic as well as non-academic support to its members, offering opportunities for peer project reviews in addition to reviews by professional architects and members of NOMA.
The Planning and Architecture Research Group (PARG) is an organization created by and for doctoral students at the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning. Our main purpose is to enhance the social and academic experiences of research students in the college. We seek to foster a sense of community among planning and architecture students and to sustain an exchange of ideas within and between our disciplines, with a primary focus on issues related to the built environment. We organize forums and workshops for sharing research across disciplines as well as casual social events.
We are best known for our Emerging Voices speaker series, which has brought more than a dozen outstanding scholars to campus since its inception in 2009. We also organize a biennial doctoral student conference and student workshops.
Urban Planning Student Association (UPSA)
The Urban Planning Student Association works to enhance the educational, professional development, and social opportunities available to urban planning students at Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Michigan. We plan a variety of fun and educational events throughout the semester. Events and board meetings are listed in the UPSA newsletter. If you’re a student in the urban planning program (Master’s or Ph.D.), you are automatically a UPSA member
Instagram: @upsataubmancollege
Urbanism Club
The Urbanism Club is a student-led activist group that pushes the urbanism agenda by informing the community about different tenets of urbanism. They bring local leaders and university faculty members to speak about different issues to better inform. They also conduct a variety of projects within the campus and Ann Arbor community to advocate for the improvement of the built environment.
Urban Technology Student Organization (UTSO)
The Urban Technology Student Organization (UTSO) is a student-led organization that strives to create an inclusive environment for Urban Technology (UT) students and others with similar interests to gather. Since UT is an emerging discipline, there is a lack of awareness about the field and its possibilities. The organization hopes to foster a strong community by hosting social events, exploring our interests within the UT discipline, and enhancing in-class learning with technical training and real-world applications.
U-M Maize Pages
Maize Pages is the official campus directory for the more than 1,600 student organizations at the University of Michigan. Discover unique opportunities to connect and get involved on the U-M Ann Arbor campus.