Master of Urban and Regional Planning
Public Information

The University of Michigan Master of Urban and Regional Planning (M.U.R.P.) degree program is accredited by the Planning Accreditation Board (PAB). Accredited programs meet PAB standards, which are established with input from stakeholders and PAB’s sponsoring organizations: the American Planning Association (APA), the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), and the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP). The M.U.R.P. program was last reaccredited in 2022, resulting in an accreditation granted through December 31, 2027. PAB requires this information be posted for the M.U.R.P. program.

The Urban and Regional Planning Program (U.R.P.) faculty, staff, and student representatives worked together in the 2022-23 academic year on an updated Strategic Plan which was released in December 2024.

Student Achievement

The primary method used by the M.U.R.P. program to measure student achievement is through a learning outcomes evaluation system, which the program uses to create direct and specific measures of student achievement. Our program has defined five learning outcomes:

NoLearning OutcomeKnowledge, Skills, and Values CategoryMeasurement Source
1Incorporate diverse stakeholder views and knowledge into the analysis and proposed approach to a contemporary planning issue.General Planning KnowledgeExit Project
2Be prepared to enter professional practice in planning.General Planning KnowledgeAnnual Survey of M.U.R.P. Graduates
3Collect, analyze, and interpret quantitative and qualitative data from a variety of sources common to the planning profession.Planning SkillsExit Project
4Effectively use visual, written, and verbal communication techniques (including text, charts, maps, and two- and three-dimensional representations) to communicate data interpretation, or illustrate proposed policies, plans, and designs.Values and EthicsExit Project
5Create a plan, policy, or design that contains proposals that advance social justice and/or sustainability as a key societal goal.Values and EthicsExit Project

Learning Outcomes 1, 3, 4, and 5

As part of this system, four learning outcomes are measured through an evaluation of each individual or group Exit Project, conducted at the conclusion of each academic year. Exit Projects are required of all graduating students, and include Capstone Studios, Professional Projects, and Theses. A standard evaluation form collects ratings and comments about four learning outcomes. Each Exit Project is evaluated by three individuals: the client, an URP faculty member, and a practicing professional.

These are evaluated using the following rubric: (1) poor quality or missing, (2) meets minimum standards, but below average, (3) typical of quality produced by professional planners, (4) exceeds professional standards of quality, award worthy. Average scores received for all 2024 Exit Projects evaluated are shown below.

 2024 Exit ProjectsEvaluated by 31 May 2024LO 1: Stakeholder ViewsLO 3: DataLO 4: CommunicationsLO 5: Proposals
Professional Projects443.

Learning Outcome 2

This learning outcome is measured through a survey administered annually among alumni one year after graduation through a question, “How satisfied are you with how well the progam prepared you for a professional position?” Responses are collected using the following scale: (4) very satisfied, (3) satisfied, (2) dissatisfied, or (1) very dissatisfied. Average scores received for this question are shown below.

M.U.R.P. Graduating ClassSurvey Response RateLO 2: Preparedness

Other Measures

The M.U.R.P. program also routinely monitors other measures of student achievement, which provide complementary and indirect information about student learning. These include measures of student academic performance, student awards and fellowships, other measures from our alumni survey, and career outcomes.

Program Data

2024-2025 Tuition and Fees

In State Residents, per full-time academic year: $37,488
Out of State Residents, per full-time academic year: $57,040

Student Retention Rate

Percentage of students who began studies in fall 2023 and continued into fall 2024:

Student Graduation Rate

Percentage of students graduating within 4 years, entering class of 2020:

Number of Degrees Awarded

Number of degrees awarded for 2023-2024 Academic Year:

AICP Pass Rate

Percentage of master’s graduates taking the AICP exam within 3 years who pass, graduating class of 2020:


Percentage of all graduates obtaining professional planning, planning-related, or other positions within 12 months of graduation, graduating class of 2023:
Note: 2% of graduates pursued continued education