This course covers the basic principles of elastic behavior for different materials such as wood, steel, concrete, and composite materials and compares the properties and applications of materials generally. It investigates cross sectional stress and strain behavior in flexure and in shear, and torsion as well as the stability of beams and columns. The qualitative behavior of combined stresses and fracture in materials is also covered.
ARCH 324, Section 1
Structures II
Winter 2024
Peter von Bülow
Term: Winter 2024
Section: 1
Class Number: 324
Credits: 3
Required: Yes
Elective: No
Meets: Lecture: Mon, Wed 9:30-10:30am 2104 A&AB
Recitation sections will be held on Fridays in 1-hour blocks between 8:30am-12:30pm.
Course Brief: