ARCH 509, Section 13

Computational Design
Fall 2023
Instructors: Mania Aghaei Meibodi
Term: Fall 2023
Section: 13
Class Number: 509
Credits: 3
Required: No
Elective: Yes
Meets: Tue 8:30-11:30am  2213 A&AB
Course Brief: Download

Computational Design introduces the students to algorithmic thinking, algorithmic design, and programming in the context of creative design and architecture. Students will be introduced to the logical procedure, basic computational geometric procedure, and programming fundamentals, such as syntax, variables, functions, arguments, loops, and conditional statements. Through hands-on workshops and assignments, students will investigate text-based programming, visual programming, geometric concepts, and operations. These activities are complimented with reading exercises and discussions around algorithms and computation in design and how they have revolutionized our approach and research. Students will also be introduced to conventions for representing algorithms, such as pseudocode.