ARCH 509, Section 15

Fabricated Ceramic Assemblies
Fall 2023
Instructors: Christopher Humphrey
Term: Fall 2023
Section: 15
Class Number: 509
Credits: 3
Required: No
Elective: Yes
Meets: Fri 8:30-11:30am  2222 A&AB
Course Brief: Download

This course will focus on developing a design to fabrication workflow for custom architectural ceramic facades. Drawing inspiration from the Architectural Ceramics Assembly Workshop (ACAW), an annual think tank sponsored by Boston Valley Terra Cotta, the course will conceptualize, visualize, and fabricate custom ceramic tools that will aid in the production of a 1:1 scale facade mock-up. Following a workshop format, students will have the opportunity to explore design strategies and digital fabrication/robotic processes that are unique to their interests with ceramics being the unifying medium. The workshop will explore both manufacturing and finishing techniques such as slip forming, carving, wire cutting, die extruding, sculpting, dusting, dipping, painting, etc. All ideas are welcome and we will plan to get messy.

The course will include software tutorials for KUKA PRC, workshops based on clay handling and finishing, lectures, guest lectures from industry experts, and occasional readings.