Urban Design

Term: Winter 2024
Section: 1
Class Number: 24280
Credits: 6
Required: Yes
Elective: No

/ UD 722

Urban Design Studio II

This studio positions urban design as a catalyst of vibrant urban cultural life. Participants will engage in the conceptualization, planning and design of a district-scale intervention while learning from regional and global initiatives of urban revitalization. Design work is expected to build upon intelligence gained from the previous semester’s work. Students will participate in the lottery system to choose from a series of urban- related studio offerings as part of ARCH 562: PROPOSITION STUDIO. Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of UD 712. This studio may involve experience working closely with a client or organization.


Mon, Thu 1:00-6:00pm  3100 A&AB


Athar Mufreh Cyrus Peñarroyo