The first purpose is to learn about the basic elements of different types of infrastructure and highlight how these ‘built’ systems interact with their ‘natural’ surroundings. For example, a drinking water system is located within a specific watershed and characteristics of the watershed should influence the design and operation of the drinking water system.
The second purpose of this class is to learn and apply five different conceptual mapping techniques that are based on complex system principles. By using these mapping techniques, we better understand how specific elements (both physical elements and intangible elements, such as markets, institutions, and regulations) interact in complex systems. These mapping techniques are tools that students can apply beyond this class.
The third purpose of this class is to document and analyze case study examples of existing innovative infrastructure practices. Students will collect information, select the appropriate mapping strategy, characterize the system’s elements, and assess the system’s performance using performance measures, such as equity, resilience, sustainability, and efficiency. Each student will create two case studies and all case studies will be assembled into a case book. In addition to documenting the students’ work, the case book will be a lasting resource that can be shared with others.