Fiscal Planning and Management is designed to provide urban planners and related professionals with the methods of public financial management and analysis used in urban planning and public policy contexts. The course includes topics such as fiscal planning and mangement systems, budgeting, revenues, intergovernmental relations, debt financing, fiscal analysis, public investment analysis, and fiscal impact analysis. The course requires lecture and seminar sessions, independent reading, a short paper, and problem sets. The focus is on the practical and professional rather than the theoretical aspects of fiscal planning. The first part of the course is a two-credit module required of students for the master’s of urban planning degree. The last part of the course continues with quantitative applications of the principles learned in the first part of the course. Students may enroll either for the 2-credit-hour portion or for the entire 3-credit-hour course. Students are assumed to have a basic understanding of microeconomics.
URP 510
Fiscal Planning and Management
Fall 2021
Lan Deng
Term: Fall 2021
Class Number: 510
Credits: 2-3
Required: Yes
Elective: No
Meets: Tue, Thu 2:30-4:00pm
Class instruction mode: Online
Course Brief: