UT 230, Section 1

Studio: Design and Urban Inquiries
Winter 2023
Instructors: Elisa Ngan
Term: Winter 2023
Section: 1
Class Number: 230
Credits: 4
Required: Yes
Elective: No
Meets: Mon, Wed 1:00-4:00pm  3100 A&AB
Course Brief:

This Urban Technology studio teaches students how to ask careful questions about urban phenomena and, following those lines of inquiry, how to identify responses and possible solutions. The first part of the semester introduces data visualization and mapping. Students will gather, synthesize, and present information to create a new understanding of the lived experience of the city. Building on their findings, students will then develop and prototype a design intervention to enhance the legibility and livability of the city. Questions of composition, perspective, scale, form, and appropriateness will be explored throughout. No prior art or design experience required.