Urban Technology

Term: Winter 2024
Section: 1
Class Number: 36728
Credits: 1
Required: No
Elective: No

/ UT 402

Strategic Foresight

This seven week survey course in strategic foresight will introduce you to frameworks, modes of research, collaborative practices, techniques, and mindsets that can be used to anticipate future possibilities and make better decisions in uncertain and changing landscapes of people, technology, and the environment. This course will take a collaborative co-learning approach, in which participants take active roles in building the course experience. Each week’s encounter will introduce artifacts and exercises designed to complement your cognitive and collaborative toolbox, along with invited experts to help us untangle the ways that strategic foresight has been used to foster design, organizational sensemaking, public policy, technology, resilience, and restoration.


Mon  10:00am-12:00pm  Duderstadt Center, Design Lab 2
