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Panel Discussion about AI: FA(AI)Q March 14 AT 1:00 PM
Fri 14

A. Alfred Taubman Wing Commons

The Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning invites you to a discussion on artificial intelligence and its impact on spatial practices and pedagogy. This event brings together guests from both within and beyond the university, representing a diverse range of disciplines and perspectives on AI. Speakers will engage with questions gathered from students, faculty, and staff, fostering a dialogue shaped by the concerns and curiosities of our academic community.

The discussion will explore key themes, including the future of AI in higher education and learning, issues of transparency, bias, and ethical use, its evolving role in design and creative professions, and the broader political economy of AI and institutional response. We look forward to a critical conversation as we grapple with the real-time complexities of AI and what it means for the world we’re shaping.

(Note: The symposium’s parenthetical title is a playful mashup of AI and the Internet Age’s focus on posting concise lists of questions in FAQs.)


  • 1:00 PM – Opening Remarks
  • 1:10 PM – 2:30 PM – Panel 1
    • Moderators: Joy Knoblauch and Scott Campbell
    • Matias del Campo
    • Renee Sieber
    • Rob Bernard
    • Dr. Mercedes Bunz
  • 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM – Panel 2
    • Moderators: Xiaofan Liang and McLain Clutter
    • Keonda W. Buford
    • Ron Eglash
    • Catherine Griffiths
    • Ashley Louie
  • 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM – Reflection

If you can’t attend in person, join us virtually on YouTube.

This event is supported by the Guido A. Binda Exhibit and Lecture fund. For seven decades, Guido Binda, B.Arch.’31, practiced architecture in Western Michigan, specializing in school design. Guido, with his wife Elizabeth, created this fund to provide for an exhibit program and annual lecture by visiting professionals.

A. Alfred Taubman Wing Commons

March 14 1:00 PM — March 14 5:00 PM