News, Nov 4, 2008
Graduate Studio visits Los Angeles

The graduate options studio led by visiting lecturer Jason K. Johnson (Oberdick Fellow) visited Los Angeles for five days in October. The students’ visit focused on sites in and around LAX airport, as well as other landmarks in the area. Tours included the home of Charles and Ray Eames in Pacific Palisades, the Schindler House in West Hollywood, and the Disney Concert Hall designed by Frank Gehry. The students were also given a tour of the BP Helios House designed by Taubman College’s Dean Monica Ponce de Leon’s design practice Office dA. The Helios House is a prototype for a new class of environmentally sensitive fueling stations. In addition to its innovative design, the Helios House features a photo-voltaic canopy that will provide approximately 15,000 kWh of energy to the station each year, a green roof, and water collection cisterns. The students also visited with USC Professor Behrokh Khoshnevis, who is the the Director of the Center for Rapid Automated Fabrication Technologies (CRAFT) and the inventor of a building scale 3D printing technology called Contour Crafting. Student travel was generously supported by The Wells Bennett Memorial Fund and Taubman College of Architecture + Urban Planning.

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