News, Dec 1, 2008
Michigan Architecture Students Win in Annual GROCS Competition

Two teams of Michigan Architecture students and faculty were awarded in the annual GROCS — Grant Opportunities [Collaborative Spaces] — competition that encourages a vision for enhancing teaching, learning, and research.

GROCS projects explore new ways to create joy or knowledge through the use of emerging technologies. Teams must be interdisciplinary, and their activity must include an academic component. Also, collaboration must be a significant and integral part of the project, either in its progress or its outcome.

Projects with architecture students involved were:

Alan Bush, McLean Echlin, Paul Tierman, Brian Trump
Advisor: Karl Daubman, Architecture

Slowly Kinetic Ambient Pavilion
Kendra Byrne, Evan Hall, Brendan Byrne, Brent Utter
Advisor: Malcolm McCullough, Architecture

More information on the projects to come!

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