News, May 3, 2010
Architecture Graduates Receive Honors During Taubman College Commencement, May 2

During Taubman College’s commencement, held at UM’s Hill Auditorium, May 2, 2010, at noon, architecture master, doctoral and undergraduate students were honored by interim-architecture chair, Melissa Harris, with the following awards:

Doctoral Program Awards

Stephanie Zeier Pilat
2010 Distinguished Dissertation Award

Kristina Luce
Ph.D. Student Award

Ross Christopher Hoekstra
Master of Science Student Award

Diaan Louis van der Westhuizen
The Architectural Research Centers Consortium
King Student Medal for Excellence in Architectural + Environmental Design

Architecture Program Awards

AIA Henry Adams Medal and Certificate
In each recognized school of architecture in the United States, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) annually awards an engraved medal to the M.Arch. degree candidate with the highest scholastic standing. A certificate is awarded to the degree candidate with the second highest standing. The faculty determines the awards.

AIA Henry Adams Medal: Daniel Arthur Weissman

AIA Henry Adams Certificate: Natasha Stefania Krol

Marian Sarah Parker Memorial Award

Sarah Drake Parker initiated this endowment, shared with the College of Engineering, in memory of her daughter, Marian Sarah Parker, C.E. 1895, the first woman to graduate with an engineering degree from the University of Michigan. As a member of Purdy & Henderson, Parker became a specialist in the design of the steel-framed skyscraper and helped to design such revolutionary buildings as New York’s Flat Iron Building and the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. The award is made annually to the outstanding woman senior in engineering and to the outstanding woman M.Arch. degree candidate. Awarded to Mary O’Malley

Alpha Rho Chi Medal

Alpha Rho Chi, a national professional fraternity for students of architecture and the allied arts, awards its medal annually, in April, upon recommendations of the architecture faculty in each school of architecture. The purpose is to recognize the M.Arch. degree candidate who has shown leadership and given service to the school and whose personality and attitude give promise of real professional worth. Awarded to Johnathan Saponara Puff

Architecture Chair Award

Architecture Chair Award is awarded to an architecture undergraduate student who has made a significant contribution to the college by a combination of exceptional academic performance and fostering community building activities within the program. Awarded to Kayla Lim.

Burton L. Kampner Award

Established in 1967 by contributions from alumni and friends of Burton L. Kampner, B.Arch.’53, a memorial award is presented annually to the B.S. degree candidate whose final design project is considered to be the most outstanding. The selection is made by a jury consisting of architecture faculty appointed by the chair of the Architecture Program. Awarded to Amanda Shin

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