News, Jul 1, 2011
Spring/Summer 2011 travel courses, blogs offer ways to share experiences abroad

International travel courses are an integral part of architecture, urban planning and urban design education, combining history, culture, community, place and design. Travel courses are hosted with emphasis on spring and summer terms.

Courses are open to students in architecture, urban planning, and urban design. Spring/Summer 2011 travel courses went to Beijing, ChinaFrance and SpainIceland and Scandinaviathe NetherlandsParis: Meta Friche.

Many faculty and students blog about their travel experiences while participating in the courses. Profiled are current blogs:

  • Blog by faculty member David Moon, Netherlands, Post-Squat NL 201. Read about their 2-day workshop with TU Delft,Hague visit, Shieblock, and more.
  • Blogy by faculty member Anya Sirota, Paris, Studio-Meta Friche 2011, which takes on France’s re-appropriated, non-authoritarian and cheeky public spaces. “Church? No, a luxury handbagstore.”
  • Blog by M.Arch.student Geoffrey Salvatore, Beijing China studio, who capturesChinese tech workers in Zpark playing tug of ware; witnesses artist and political activitistAi Weiwei shortly after his release from Chinese authorities, and the moving ofSongzhuang Artist Village’s Tongxian Gatehouse, an Office dA project led by UM Taubman College Dean Monica Ponce de Leon and Nader Tehrani.
  • Blog by M.Arch. student Andrew Stern, Iceland/Scandinavia course, who writes about and captures through imagery the diversified landscape of Iceland.

Spring courses were from May 3 – June 20, 2011. Travel schedules for the studios are included in the details about the individual travel courses. Some courses may be more specific to one field or another as indicated. All courses are for 3 credit hours.

To read more about past students’ travel experience, visit:

For more information about current Taubman College travel course opportunities, visit For more about travel offered through University of Michigan visit

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