Urban Planning Students Suggest Ways to Improve Ann Arbor’s South State Street Corridor
Last week, four graduate students in Urban and Regional Planning met with Ann Arbor City planning commissioners about possible changes to improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists while simultaneously beautifying the South State Street area.
Master of Urban Planning students: Christian Roadman, Katy Ryan, Liz Treutel, and Danielle Thoe spent about an hour explaining their proposals and talking to commissioners about the area.
The following is a quote from the article published in the Ann Arbor Chronicle:
“The goals for the corridor should be to increase development with the goal of place making, Thoe said – reflecting the identity of Ann Arbor. Longer term, changes in zoning code could encourage a reduction in setbacks, with new buildings constructed closer to the street and parking in the rear. Ultimately, the hope is to create a true corridor, she added, that draws and guides people into the city while simultaneously introducing them to the city’s values and culture.”
Danielle Thoe, a University of Michigan graduate student in urban planning, explains a concept for creating a boulevard for pedestrians and bicyclists to navigate better the I-94 overpass along South State Street. (Photo by Mary Morgan)
Christian Roadman, a University of Michigan graduate student in urban planning. (Photo by Mary Morgan)
At present, a draft of the South State corridor report is being reviewed by planning commissioners. A vote to move forward with the draft is expected at either a December 18th or January 3rd meeting.
For more information about the student’s presentation and ideas, visit: annarborchronicle.com/2012/11/28/ideas-floated-for-south-state-corridor