Taubman College faculty members earn 2014 ACSA Architectural Education Awards
The ACSA Faculty Design Award honors work advances the reflective nature of practice and teaching by recognizing and encouraging outstanding work in architecture and related environmental design fields. This year, Taubman College faculty received several awards for design research and pedagogy:
- Faculty Design Award: Assistant Professor Rania Ghosn and Assistant Professor El Hadi Jazairy, “Geographies of Trash”.
- Faculty Design Award: Lecturer (2013-14) and Assistant Professor Christian Stayner, “Olfactory Past”, research was supported by the Muschenheim Fellowship.
- Faculty Design Award (Honorable Mention): Associate Professor Geoffrey Thün and Assistant Professor Kathy Velikov, “Infra Eco Logi Urbanism”.
The ACSA/AIA Housing Design Education Award, Excellence in Housing Education Course/Activity, recognizes the importance of good education in housing design to produce architects ready for practice in a wide range of areas and able to be capable leaders and contributors to their communities.
- Housing Design Education Award: Lecturer Mick Kennedy and Lecturer Tony Patterson, “Elemental Encounters: The Architectural Detail and Elderly Housing”
Ghosn and Jazairy’s work was supported through a 2012 Taubman College Research on the City Faculty Research Grant, and incubated in their respective seminars, “Landscapes of Energy,” and “Scales of the Earth”.
Stayner’s work was supported through grants from the İstanbul Kültür Sanat Vakfı and Georgia Tech School of Architecture (where his collaborator on the project, Jennifer Bonner, teaches), and has influenced seminars addressing olfaction and taste in the built environment.
Thün and Velikov’s work was supported by a 2009-2012 SSHRC Research Creation Grant, and a 2013 OVPR Artistic Productions and Performances Grant. Cartographic techniques were incubated through a series of seminars entitled MetaShed.
Kennedy and Patterson’s pedagogy has been developed through the 2013 Systems Studio program.